Becca is passionate about advocating for our profession, and shows this through her deep involvement with our school's Student Governing Council, and represents PT students through this involvement. - DPT student at KUMC As a DPT student, Becca has proven to be a leader within her school and program. In addition to being involved in her community, she has impacted her school through involvement within KU’s Governing Council. She will be a great asset to the PT field and will lead to make the profession even better! Check out the KPTA SSIG Facebook page to view this Spotlight, and for notifications when additional Spotlights are featured!
... “During my freshman year of college, in pursuit of a minor in Leadership Studies at Washburn University, I read a book called Good to Great by Jim Collins. As a typical freshman, I assumed this would be yet another boring, required reading. Unbeknownst to me, a theory from this book would forever guide my life. The “Hedgehog Concept” consists of a Venn diagram with three circles overlapping; the first being “What are you deeply passionate about?”, the second “What can you be the best in the world at?” and the third “What can generate the most revenue?/What drives your economic engine?” The center of the diagram, where all three circles overlap, is the zone we should all strive to attain to be the most successful. I realized then that physical therapy was my true calling for which I was deeply passionate and felt I would be naturally good at. For the past six years I have been working hard to develop my physical therapy skills, in addition to leadership and interprofessional skills, through involvement with student organizations and as an in-home aid to a wonderful person with Multiple Sclerosis. At Washburn I enjoyed being involved in a wide array of organizations. This passion carried over when I arrived at KUMC. The past two years I have been a senator in the Student Governing Council (SGC) and Interprofessional Committee co-chair. The focus of my time as co-chair was the creation of a Unified Honor Code for all of KUMC. My committee members and I agreed that all health professions, medical and nursing students, should be held to the same ethical expectations. However, there was not a document that embodied this belief. Together we created this Unified Honor Code through collaboration of all student leaders from each school at KUMC. We believe this document displays the interprofessionalism and team work that is a core tenet of our education at KUMC. It also builds a framework that we can continue to follow after graduation to produce patient-centered care, together. My involvement with student government and attendance of KPTA’s Day on the Hill the past two years sparked an interest in advocating for physical therapy on the local and national legislative levels. I hope to be involved with the Legislative Committee of KPTA during this third year of school, and after graduation. In the future, I’d like to have a seat on APTA’s House of Delegates to create national changes that will allow physical therapists to provide the high-quality care the profession is capable of. I encourage you all to reflect on the “Hedgehog Concept” and its applicability to your future PT careers. Join APTA, and advocate for our profession in your own way. I am eager to see how our generation of physical therapists will propel the profession forward with our focused intensity and passion for what we do. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact me at [email protected].” – Becca Ferguson
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